January 15, 2009

hypocritical me.

New Yorkers are sort of babies when it comes to the weather. Granted, we spend more time in it than most people since we're not moving from place to place in our SUVs with heated seats. Still, it's a little ridiculous when the weather forecasters act as though temperatures below 35-degrees constitutes an Ice Age of sorts. On days like these their segments are essentially "Today it's going to be cold and windy and ZOMG COOOOLD!"

A few weeks ago, we had a snowstorm that amounted to a few inches of accumulation on the ground. At about 10am, the owner of our company walked from desk to desk telling people that if they needed to leave early, due to the horrible conditions outside, they could do so. The whole place, with the exception of a handful of people, was cleared out by 1PM. I thought this was hilarious. For one thing, I used to drive to and from work in white-out conditions. In Michigan, you can pretty much expect as much between the months of December and April. But in New York, we have subways. Subways that only stop running when there's construction or massive flooding. Weather doesn't really have anything to do with my commute. Therefore, when it comes to inclement conditions, I tend to glance around at all those who are whining about how crappy it is outside and think to myself "friggin' pansies."

It turns out though, I'm one of the biggest babies of them all. Because in spite of mocking the weather forecasters and their fatalistic reports, I still thought on the way in this morning "I need a new coat. A long puffy coat. A long puffy coat with fur around the collar."

Don't judge. It's cold.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love it when there is any amount of snow coming down, and the entire newscast is going to reporters around the tri state, where they report that yes, it is indeed snowing in _______.