January 23, 2009

in a NY minute (woo-oo-oo everything changes)

Life seems to be moving quicker than is comfortable. This morning I overslept and was therefore forced to abandon the usual routine of getting ready. A routine that involves lots of sitting around and mulling over a bowl of cereal before the day begins. It takes about a half hour of this sitting before I feel ready and willing to face the day.

It was 6:45am and already I was late.

The shower ran longer than usual, due to the upper portion of my legs which were in desperate need of some special attention. The night prior I'd glanced down and was a little horrified to realize that a winter's worth of neglect left a swath of hair on the back of my thighs. Hair that really, should only be seen on the legs of a lumberjack. Still, I thought I'd manage to break even. It was not meant to be. The list of things that I'd meant to take care of before leaving the apt. included removing my nail polish, putting on makeup, finding the receipt for a purchase I intended to return. Instead, I flew around grabbing my shoes and keys. Pulling the straightener through my hair. Settling for an outfit that only barely qualifies as such.

It seems like it's been this way since the year began. I need this weekend to slow down. For time to move at half-speed. Just long enough for me to catch my breath.

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