In other less boring news, I joined That slapping noise you just heard was the sound of my mom's jaw hitting the keyboard. And that tinkling noise? Uh-huh. She's reaching for the keys.
Before you start giggling like a hyena with a caffeine problem, let me just explain. I joined on a whim and then I filled the damn profile in a less whim-inspired moment. After that, I sat and waited. As of this post 862 people have viewed my profile and from those 862 people an infinite number have winked, sent flirty messages and in every other fathomable way possible, tried to assert that we were DEFFINITELY a match. Apparently men are able to reach this stunning conclusion by staring at a picture for a few minutes. But here's the thing, I sort of hate it. Except now it's like a bad relationship that I don't know how to get out of because Match is still charging me for this stupid experiment.
The feeling vaguely resembles that of a first date where one person (me) just wants to make googley eyes at the other person and the other person ( wants to go to third base with my bank account. To state the perhaps not-so-obvious: I am just not that kind of girl. So now I'm back to square one. Making googley eyes at real people rather than a computer screen and feeling much more comfortable with the current state of things in general. That said, if you happen to know any single men living in the NY metropolitan area who are between the ages of 24-30, taller than 5'11, are emotionally available but not too mushy because that makes me all itchy and uncomfortable AND are ok with the fact that I will always love sweatpants more than I love them, will swear like a sailor but still expect their butt to be in a church pew come Sunday then for shitsakes, hook a girl up.
I have to say, the BEST and I mean tears-rolling-down-my-face-laughing email that I received was this one from a guy who I can only describe as a crazy bigot who couldn't spell worth beans.
"I don't know if you understand this, so let me spell this out for you.......You are a good-looking woman and your probably really annoying, I mean you really do appear annoying and I bet most of your pastSadly, I just don't think it's going to work out between us.
boyfriends cheated on you b/c your so annoying....So get up and go annoy everyone in America, b/c you seem to be an expert on it.
P.S you should change your intro to hi my name is Sarah and I'm really annoying...."
ohhhhhhhh my.
asian schoolgirl??
and don't get me wrong, your legs are killer. but if anyone asked me, i would have to vote for your chestal region. i'm just saying is all.
oh the asian comment...yeah, i'm politically correct like that.
well shoot. In that case, me, my boobs, and other various ignored (but no less appreciated) body parts thank you.
I haven't done, and now I'm glad that I don't have to... but, that said, I HAVE been to 3 weddings... so there may be something to it...
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